Find your voice.
Get comfortable with power.
Lift others up.Jo Miller
Are you looking for tools and skills to launch you into finding your power to pursue a new aspect of your life purpose?
Mountain Yoga’s yoga teacher training will provide you an invaluable opportunity of personal growth that will expand your awareness and understanding of yoga, as well as give you insights on how you can make a difference in your life and share your powerful gifts with others.
- You will learn how yoga works and how to build a more sustainable practice for you personally as well as how to share it with others.
- You will take a deep dive into yourself, discovering your power as well as breaking down and letting go of the aspects of self that are holding you back from realizing your power.
What you will gain from doing a Teacher Training at Mountain Yoga Sandy

Deep understanding of yoga asana, anatomy, history and philosophy

Teaching Skills
Fundamentals of teaching yoga

Yoga Alliance Registered Certification to teach
Other Reasons to take a teacher training
Building Confidence
Finding Your Voice
What You Will Be Learning
This block will be the foundation to the training. You will gain a deeper understanding of how yoga works and the intricacies of building a strong and balanced personal practice. The Hatha series will provide an excellent opportunity for you to awaken your voice and build your teaching skills so that you feel confident leading others.
- How yoga works
- Fundamentals of Yoga
- Principles of Alignment
- Posture Fundamentals
- Teaching Fundamentals
- Teaching Practice
- Online Yoga Anatomy Course (to be completed before Fusion block)
- LIVE (in-studio) Yoga Philosophy
- LIVE (in-studio) Yoga History
This block will be an opportunity for you to expand on your understanding of a yoga practice, to effectively create and lead a class with variations and intelligence sequencing.
- Learn the Building Blocks of the Fusion Class
- Posture Variations and Adjustments
- Intelligent Sequences
- Inversion Workshop
- Cautions, Contraindications, and modifications
- Creating Class Ambiance
- Build a Fusion Class
- Yoga Sutra workshop with D’ana Baptiste
- Meditation Techniques
- Professional Development and Ethics
- Graduation
Dates & Details
Hatha Block – March 19 - 23, 2025
2:30 - 7pm
9 - 7 pm
9:15 am - 6:15 pm
9 am - 6:15 pm
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Fusion Block – April 30 - May 4, 2025
2:30 - 7pm
9:15 am - 7 pm
9:15 am - 6:30pm
8 am - 6:30 pm
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Culmination Block – May 16 - 18, 2025
9:15 am - 6:30 pm
8 - 7pm
8:30 am - 5 pm
- Every Thursday (3/27, 4/3, 4/10, 4/17, 4/24, 5/8, & 5/15) between blocks (21 hours) 5 - 8 pm
- Online anatomy course must be completed before the start of the 2nd block (Fusion).
- Yoga Philosophy and History lectures TBA
- Please note that all times are approximate and subject to change slightly (with notice) throughout the training.
Pricing and payment options
Early bird
by February 1st, 2025-
Includes 9 weeks of unlimited classes at Mountain Yoga
Payment plans available (see FAQs for more info)
After February 1
Includes 9 weeks of unlimited classes at Mountain Yoga
Payment plans available (see FAQs for more info)
This training has given me a SOLID base, an invaluable foundational knowledge (served with a side of love and support) to forever expand upon as I continue my own practice and begin teaching.
It's given me resources, inspiration, and a path to explore deeper without getting lost.Amanda Kleier
Read Amanda's full testimonial
How long have you been practicing yoga, what brought you to yoga?
I’ve been practicing yoga on a consistent, regular basis since April 2022.
I was experiencing chaos in every aspect of my existence. I felt as though the ground I was standing on was crumbling & could simply fall away at any moment. None of the “tools” in my belt at that time seemed to give me the serenity that they once had. (Or maybe they never really did?!?!) I needed something – something that was for ME – something that I could do with my physical body that would allow me to just be present with myself & find my way back to peace. This is what brought me to yoga.
What was your intention in taking the TT?
My intention was to be open – to keep my mind WIDE open to all of the information that was sure to come my way, allowing myself to go DEEPER. To deepen my understanding and to fuel my innate curiosity of how yoga works. Yoga has been such a powerful gift in my life. I knew that I wanted to formally begin my journey of learning how to share the power of yoga that I have experienced with others so they can feel this for themselves, in their own way!
Why did you choose Mountain Yoga training?
MYS has been my home studio since April 22′. I love this space and this community so much that I went ahead & manifested myself a job at the front desk in December. So full disclosure I guess here, I couldn’t have imagined doing my first teacher training literally anywhere else.
What did you enjoy about the TT?
Really struggling to come up with an aspect of the training that I didn’t enjoy. #facts. It’s such an amazing, life-changing opportunity that the word opportunity itself feels too small. Onward anyways, to name A thing of the many I enjoyed, and I promise this isn’t sarcasm , was the challenge of the two-a-days. “Trust and believe” it’s not ONLY a physical challenge. It was one I was nervous about, decided it best to just lean in to, and came out on the other end of the training SO much stronger for it – physically and MENTALLY.
What do you think is unique about the TT at Mountain Yoga Sandy?
The studio environment – the space itself & the energy within it makes this a one-of-a kind YTT experience. This is an established (20 years!) studio with an absolutely incredible community! You FEEL that incredible energy surrounding you every time you walk in the door like a loving hug that is felt if not visible, the calming inaudible hum of “AUM’. The TT is planned with intention & I felt that. I felt as though, despite the long days that I was set up for success at every corner – being guided into a space of maximum possible receptivity of all of the information coming at me. The individual & collective wisdom and experience of the amazing teachers involved in this training just can’t be overstated. It’s not just that they each have knowledge and wisdom but also the way they use their collective knowledge and wisdom collaboratively to benefit their students.
How do you feel the training has prepared you to teach yoga?
This training has given me a SOLID base, an invaluable foundational knowledge (served with a side of love and support) to forever expand upon as I continue my own practice and begin teaching. It’s given me resources, inspiration, and a path to explore deeper without getting lost. All of which have allowed me to give myself permission to REALLY and TRULY begin to identify and step into my teacher-self with a self-confidence I’ve frankly not known before.
Meet Your instructors
Meet the dedicated practitioners that will take you deep into the roots of yoga, from its philosophy and its mindfulness to the practice of breath and movement.
Guest instructors from Mountain Yoga and the broader Salt Lake yoga community will be assisting in some portions of the training.

Jackie Wheeler
Founder and Instructor Mountain Yoga
Founder of Mountain Yoga Sandy since 2003, Jackie has been a dedicated yoga practitioner for over 25 years. She was originally certified by Bikram Choudhury in 2000. Jackie’s ambition to expand has led her to study with many teachers from various traditions. Her diversified background has provided the inspiration and foundation to create the 5 Elemental System that is unique to Mountain Yoga. This system enables one to utilize the various methods of yoga to build a more personalized and sustainable approach that is adapted to the needs and goals of the practitioner.

Emily Longfellow
Founder Vimana Yoga
Emily is the co-founder and author of Vimana Yoga, an in-depth guide for students and teachers. She is currently the owner of The Vimana House in Basalt, Colorado where she’s been teaching since 1997 after taking the fourth ever 500-hour yoga teacher training from the Yoga College of India in 1996.
She holds certificates in Craniosacral and Massage Therapy, and was certified in Synergy Partner Stretching in 2010. Emily is a E-RYT and holds a 500 hour certification with Yoga Alliance through Para Yoga. She’s taught at Wanderlust, One Fire Festival, and Lead with Love Yoga festival; as well as being featured in ORIGIN magazine, and is in the book a Pregnancy Guide to Yoga where she shares her journey through yoga to motherhood.
Emily retired from Yoga competition in 2013 after earning multiple medals nationally and Internationally as the time had come for her to put her focus into her children and teacher training. Her intention when teaching is to create space for you in your practice to have that same connection and make the necessary adjustments that will help you to realize your potential, on and off the mat. It is her honor to share her passion for all of the Vimana Yoga Styles with all of you.
A Few Words From Past Graduates
The experience of teacher training was amazing. It helped me build so much confidence in myself. I really liked the way the training was broken up into blocks. It made it so I could take it one step at a time and not get overwhelmed.
Emily and Jackie gave us all the tools we needed to be able to build a well balanced class. In the training they set it up so you got to experience the way poses felt in your body, visually see it on other bodies, and listen to the way a class sounds. They had something for every learning type. They were always available for questions and support.
MYS Teacher Training Graduatte
Frequently Asked Questions
If your questions are not covered in our FAQ, don’t hesitate to reach out using the form below.
The Mountain Yoga Teacher Training was built from our combined 45+ years teaching yoga and owning yoga studios. We have real-life experience on what works for students, and what doesn’t. Our experience is drawn from a wide range of yoga traditions, eliminating the dogmatic approach, we are able to build a more comprehensive, balanced approach that makes yoga more accessible and sustainable. We find the physical aspects of asana is only part of the whole picture and, therefore, will explore the mental, emotional, and energetics of the practice as well.
No advanced asanas required. While some experience in practicing yoga is recommended, you’ll get a lot of practice time during the training. Doing a teacher training will provide a deep dive into understanding both the basics, as well as an introduction to the vast and more esoteric yoga concepts. We will gain insights on what is applicable to you now and be inspired to expand into other areas of self-awareness.
This course is definitely geared towards the fundamentals of teaching yoga. However, if you are not particularly interested in teaching yoga, you will experience a transformation! Outcomes such as self-acceptance, finding your voice, building confidence in speaking in front of people. Regardless of your intention, this course will provide a wide range of skills to utilize on your path, as well as a deep understanding in yoga anatomy, philosophy, and history. AND, you may find you actually DO want to share the benefits and teach yoga to others!
In the 200hr training, you’ll focus on learning Hatha and Fusion styles of teaching (our version of a traditional hot yoga class, and a vinyasa-flow style class). We have found in the years of training teachers these two classes provide a strong foundation in learning and applying the fundamentals of teaching. And with the development of this foundation, you will have the base to expand with our 300 hour training!
If you have been a student of MYS and align with the classes and community this is definitely the training for you! If you are looking for a comprehensive, non-dogmatic approach to building and/or teaching a sustainable yoga practice, this is the training for you!
While we can’t guarantee employment after finishing the teacher training, many of our graduates end up teaching at Mountain Yoga! We do, however, offer a Mentoring program which will provide you with a dedicated amount of classes to get experience teaching. The mentoring program and all that it offers will be talked about in the teacher training. Regardless, you will find the right environment to share your teachings.
This 200 hr. training will prepare you to teach in a variety of environments including community-based offerings, yoga studios, or gyms.
Yes! Our program meets the high standards and is certified by Yoga Alliance. As long as you participate in all the classes and complete all the requirements you will be eligible for Yoga Alliance certifications.
You will be required to show up to all the hours of training and complete all the homework throughout the training. However, if there is an emergency situation, you will be able to make up the yoga classes and provide make-up work. If you miss something that requires time with us facilitators you can pay for a private class at $75/hour.
Required books:
- Vimana Yoga by Emily Longfellow and Bel Carpenter
- The Yoga Sutras by D’ana Baptiste
Recommended Reading:
- Yoga Anatomy – Leslie Kaminoff/Amy Matthews
- Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book – Kelly Solloway
- How Yoga Works by Christie McNally and Michael Roach
When you sign up for the teacher training all of the lectures and yoga classes will be included. Additionally, you will receive unlimited membership to Mountain Yoga from March 19 – May 18 to continue your practice.
Not included: Yoga Alliance Certification Fees, Lodging (if needed), books
The teacher training is designed to meet you where you are. However, we highly recommend attending at least 5-10 Hatha and Fusion classes before starting the training. A regular practice at Mountain Yoga Sandy, along with reviewing or reading the recommended books, will give you a much stronger foundation for the training.
Yes! When signing up for the training you can pay the full amount or the Payment Plan Deposit which is $999. Sign up before February 1 for Early Bird pricing! Your card on file will be charged $999 again on February 1 and the remaining balance of $602 on March 1st. If you sign up after February 1 and select the Payment Plan Deposit ($999), your card on file will be charged $999 again on February 1 and the remaining balance of $902 on March 1.
Yes, this training is also highly recommended for ‘Bikram’ trained instructors who want to expand their knowledge of the original 26 and 2 practice. You will learn how to teach a more sustainable approach with more muscle activation and biomechanics. You will also learn how to expand on the original 26 and 2 and learn how to build a fusion class, which is a combination of Hatha and Flow.
Yes! There are two options for continuing education. Please email us using the form below to find out which option is best for you.
1. 50 hours (either Hatha in March OR Fusion in April – May) – including Thursday evening practices and Yoga Sutra workshop with D’ana Baptise. $800
2. 100 hours (either Hatha in March OR Fusion in April – May)- including Thursday evening practices, 30-hour Yoga Anatomy, Yoga History Lecture, Yoga Philosophy Lecture, and Yoga Sutra workshop with D’ana Baptise. $1500
Request More Info Here

Take Your Practice to
the Next Level
Take advantage of Early Bird pricing by signing up before February 1, 2025.