Tips to Create a Home Practice


There’s nothing like your home yoga studio- the friends, the energy, and the perfect practice space. When you can’t always make it to the studio- whether you’re on vacation, working extra hours, or #quarantining- maintaining your yoga practice is important to keep stress under check, and maintain physical health. We highly encourage you to take what you learn at the studio, and practice at home! Here are some of our favorite tips to create your perfect home practice:

Create your space

Set up your Yoga Equipment

Fancy yoga equipment is nice, but not necessary!

For an at-home practice, you technically don’t even need a mat so if you’re a beginner don’t let that stop you! Fun fact- did you know that the modern yoga mat wasn’t used until the ’80s?! Hugger Mugger- a local SLC company- introduced the first sticky mat for yoga!

Here’s what we recommend for maximum comfort and prop usage (keep in mind these are just recommendations!):

For a Restorative practice, you’ll want a pilates or yoga mat, 2 blocks, a bolster, a strap, and a blanket (maybe two!).

For a Hatha, Fusion, or Flow practice you’ll want a yoga mat, and 1 or 2 blocks.

For Meditation or Nidra you can choose whether to use a mat. You’ll want to be comfortable, so grab a pillow to sit on and maybe a blanket.

Get creative… you can use throw pillows instead of bolsters, a belt instead of a strap, or books instead of blocks!

Eliminate Distractions

For optimal concentration and focus choose a spot away from other people and pets. In addition, if you have nagging chores you have two options: try to get them done before getting on your mat OR accept that they will be there for you later and try to ignore them! Don’t let the feeling of needing to do the dishes cut your practice short.

Add Extras

Extras include candles, diffusers, music, crystals, mala beads, salt lamps, incense, decoration, etc. Choose things that bring you joy! For me, that’s a salt lamp and a diffuser with something energizing in the morning or calming in the evening. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but you can certainly create an alter if you want to!

Find your practice

Do you want to be led through practice, or lead yourself? Leading yourself through practice can be a fun way to tune into your body and find what movement it’s craving. If you’re newer to yoga or don’t want to think about sequencing we recommend putting a yoga video on. Mountain Yoga offers on-demand classes to all members +  virtual live classes every day, but there are also videos online!

If you’re using yoga as your workout look for something with a higher energy- Fusion, Flow, or Hatha classes.

If you want to relax and rejuvenate look for Restore, Yoga Nidra, or Qigong classes.

Make it a habit

If you want to see results then make your home practice a habit. Even if it’s just a few minutes each day.  I recommend trying to make it to the studio at least 3 times per week, and supplementing that with home practice. For me, sometimes that’s 10-30 minutes of easy-going asana, sometimes it’s a warmup and practicing more difficult postures. I would have never figured out headstand, full camel, or some of my favorite wheel variations without playing at home!!

Bonus tip- Try to take a longer Savasana, or include some breath work before or after your practice.

You may be tempted to skip the Savasana when you’re at home, but it is still the most essential part of your practice! Savasana is where your body regulates itself and you soak up all the benefits. It can also be a great time to practice breathwork. My go-to is Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) or box breathing.

What’s your favorite part of a home yoga practice? OR, do you struggle to create one?

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