We create an environment that supports individual transformation towards one's true potential.
We are here to help you every step of the way
We recommend 3-10 classes in your first month to experience the benefits of yoga.
Remember, the more you practice, the easier it gets!
Elevate your yoga experience. Change your life.
What to bring to your first class
Although fancy yoga clothes are not necessary at Mountain Yoga it is helpful to follow a few guidelines when choosing your clothing for your class.
In heated classes, you will want synthetic fabrics. YOU WILL SWEAT! Women will likely want leggings or shorts. Tank tops and sports bras are acceptable. Men will want athletic shorts or board shorts. Shirts are optional.
Non-heated classes you will want comfortable clothing you can move in.
We recommend a sturdy mat (not squishy) for balance.
We carry Manduka Prolite rental mats for $3. Your first time in the studio your mat rental is complimentary.
Ask us about our favorites in-studio! Sign up for our intro special and get 20% off a mat purchase.
If taking a heated class, bring a large towel to cover your yoga mat.
We provide Manduka Yogitoe towel rentals for $3. Your first time to the studio your rental is complimentary.
Ask us about our favorites in-studio! Sign up for our intro special and get 20% off a towel purchase.
If you find that you are a heavy sweater we recommend bringing extra towels.
We have a reverse osmosis water filter to fill up your bottle. We also sell water and assorted drinks in our fridge.
If you’d like to use our changing rooms bring a shower towel and a change of clothing for after class. We have shower towel rentals for $3.
Let go of any preconceived notions you may have about yourself or yoga, and keep an open mind. The key to success is to try out different classes and teachers until you find what truly resonates with you. Be kind to yourself throughout the journey and believe in your ability to succeed. You’ve got this!

Mountain Tips & Etiquette
Here are a few tips for making your first few visits with us as pleasant, peaceful, and fulfilling as possible.
First-time students to Mountain Yoga please be at least 15 minutes early. You will get the most out of your class by arriving early and allowing yourself the time to meet your teacher, our staff, and prepare for class. Please plan on attending the entire class. Unless you have an emergency, it is best to stay until the end of class. Savasana or relaxation at the end, after all, is the best part of your yoga practice and day. All students must be physically present in the studio at class start time to be admitted in for class.
It is so helpful and appreciated if you take the time to sign-in to class before setting up your mat. Yes, you may be wanting to get your ‘favorite spot’, but signing in first helps both our staff and teachers. This makes your teacher’s job easier. They can spend more time teaching and less time trying to find missing students. Thank you all in advance for your help.
Practice is about creating time and space to breathe and receive. In today’s fast-paced tech world we all need a few minutes a day away from it all. Here at Mountain Yoga, we pride ourselves on providing you that peaceful space. Please help us help you and leave your phone out of the studio room. We do understand that your profession may require that you are on call. If this is the case please speak to our staff and let them know your phone will be on silent.
Thank you.
Hatha yoga practice is a process of purification and an opportunity to leave behind the outside world. In an effort to welcome all people to all classes at Mountain Yoga please refrain from wearing any and all pungent perfumes, lotions and colognes.
The 5 ELEMENTAL classes offered by the Mountain Yoga System are designed to provide you an intentional variety of practice. Our classes and our teachers utilize multiple approaches to help you integrate your yoga practice into your life. Every yogi has a favorite teacher, but don’t close yourself off to new teachers and classes. A yoga practice is about expanding your mind and increasing your awareness. Keep an open mind and heart. You may find in the end that you learn something new!
After class please take the time to clean your space for the next class by returning your props to the provided space and drying the floor when necessary. If you are a heavy sweater, please bring additional towels.
Mountain Yoga Sandy is an amazing spiritual studio with some of the best yogis and staff I’ve ever met. From the moment I first walked through the door I felt like I was home. They offer a warm inviting environment allowing students to experience the best yoga has to offer! -Travis B
Adding yoga to your routine will change your life for the better. In just a few classes you’ll feel your body getting stronger and more flexible. With a regular routine, you’ll feel better in your mind, help prevent injury, and have better mobility.
At Mountain Yoga, we have observed the above benefits of yoga in our students for over 20 years. The Mountain Yoga System is designed with YOU in mind- providing you with guidance and variety to help you get the absolute most out of your practice. Between our 7 in-studio and virtual classes, we have something for everybody.
All classes for Every Body– The 5 Elemental classes create a system from which you can choose your daily practice. As a first-time student to Mountain Yoga, we encourage you to sign up for our Intro to Membership offer and attend at least 10 classes in those 30 days.
If you are new to yoga, we recommend starting out with Hatha, Restore, or Stretch. These classes will move at a more moderate pace and have more instruction.
Flow, Fusion and Pilates classes will help you advance your practice, and provide more cardiovascular benefits.
Our recommendation is by no means the only way to start. You know your body best, you know your intention for coming to yoga and what works best with your schedule. The most important is to make time for yourself and come to your mat.
Practicing yoga is not just about being flexible, it’s also about finding inner peace and harmony. Yoga is a great way to reduce stress, improve focus, and increase physical and mental strength. Even if you’re not flexible, you can still benefit from yoga as it will help you improve your flexibility gradually over time. Yoga also helps improve your posture and balance, which can help prevent injuries and improve overall health. Moreover, yoga is a great way to connect with your body and mind, and it can help you feel more centered, calm, and relaxed. So, even if you’re not flexible, practicing yoga can still be a great way to improve your mental and physical health.
Hot yoga has numerous physical and mental benefits. One of the most obvious is that it helps to increase flexibility, as the heat allows muscles to stretch more easily. Additionally, hot yoga is known to be a great calorie-burner, making it an effective way to lose weight and tone muscles.
The heat also helps to improve circulation and cardiovascular health, as it causes an increase in heart rate and blood flow. This can lead to a reduction in stress and anxiety, as well as an improvement in overall mood and mental clarity.
Furthermore, hot yoga can also help to detoxify the body by increasing sweat production. This can lead to clearer skin and a stronger immune system.
A lot of people initially have some apprehension about practicing yoga in the heat. We have a highly sophisticated heating system in our Big Cottonwood Room that ensures you’ll sweat, which helps cool the body. A lot of studios don’t circulate the air in their room, which can lead to a suffocating feeling. We have fresh air ventilating all of the time, and air purification to ensure healthy, breathable air.
Mountain Yoga is the oldest one owner one location yoga studio in the state of Utah. We have had the unique experience of introducing thousands of new people to the benefits of practicing yoga. We have inspired many to become teachers and some to open their own yoga studios. Originally a Bikram studio- today we have moved beyond Bikram yoga by offering the powerfully balanced Mountain Yoga system. With 30+ teachers and 50+ classes/ week the Mountain Yoga student receives experienced and compassionate guidance. Mountain Yoga offers you what few studios can; whether you like it Hot or Not, in-studio or virtual, whether you like to concentrate or move freely with your breath – Mountain Yoga is there for you.
No. We know that not everyone embraces external heat in their yoga practice. We have two studio rooms, the Big Cottonwood and Little Cottonwood rooms. The BC is Hot and The LC is not. In addition, our classes intentionally vary in temperature providing you a balanced space to practice.
Sign up for your first month of unlimited classes for 50% off! This is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the Mountain Yoga system. Attend 2-3 times per week (or more!) to see the most benefits. Membership is no commitment, just let us know 7 days before your billing date to cancel.
Generally, staff are available at the studio 30 minutes prior to your chosen class. As a new student, it is best to arrive 15-20 minutes prior to your class time in order to get acquainted with the space and meet your teacher. When you arrive please inform the staff that you are present and sign into class. After your first class, it is best to be 10-15 minutes early to get settled. All students must be physically present in the studio at class start time to be admitted in for class.
- Yoga mat. Rentals available for $3
- Large bath or yoga towel for heated classes. Rentals available for $3
- Water bottle – we have Reverse Osmosis filtered water for refills.
**While you are on the Intro to Membership you receive 20% off mat, towel, and block purchases.
- Dress appropriately.
- Open mind.
- Empty stomach.
- Proper Hydration.
- New Student Registration. This can be filled out online.
- $59 Intro to Unlimited Membership. For first-time or returning students to Mountain Yoga, this is a GREAT way to start off your Mountain Practice.
Yoga will meet you where you are at. Just being in the room will give you the benefit of shifting your perspective. You will learn to let go of internal and external pressures and start building a relationship of trust, understanding, and compassion just to name a few. A good class to start with is the restore for more mental relief. If you are more interested in strength and mobility try our stretch or hatha classes. Just remember to go at your own pace.
Please as always check with your doctor before beginning a yoga practice. Many of our staff, teachers and students have maintained a strong and consistent yoga practice through their pregnancy. We also know that each individual’s circumstances are different and need to be honored during this wonderful time of life. Please always let your teacher know that you are pregnant and ask about posture modifications that are available to you throughout your pregnancy.
We currently do not offer prenatal specific yoga classes. We do, however, offer classes that could be extremely beneficial during any time of your pregnancy. If you are new to yoga we recommend beginning with our Restore or Stretch classes.
If you are interested in a more personalized practice we offer private classes. If you are interested in a private class, email us with your inquiry.
People burn calories and lose weight while practicing yoga and at the same time clean their system to work optimally. In addition to a workout a regular yoga practice will provide you mental clarity and helps shed the stress of life. When you are less agitated and at ease you will tend to make healthier decisions in your daily life.
No question that you may have is too small or too big for that matter to ask. If we have not answered your concern above please email us at
or give a call at 801-501-9642
Help us Help you discover a better life with Yoga.
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